Film TrailersNetPlusUltra®: Défouloir récréatif de l'auteur web

The Big Picture

FR • Sachant par ailleurs qu’en fonction de l’âge du spectateur, la date de premier visionnage d’un contenu audiovisuel ne correspond pas nécessairement à la date de sortie de ce dernier, la chronologie de défilement privilégiée pour les listes de lecture des pages Audio et Vidéo correspond - à quelques exceptions près identifiables à l’aide du filtre "ciné-cure de rattrapage" - à l’ordre "protocolaire" de sortie des contenus sélectionnés (c’est-à-dire de première exposition par effet d’annonce), qui reste sensiblement identique d’une zone géographique (région linguistique) à l’autre du fait des délais et des quotas légaux imposés par la "chronologie des médias []".
EN • Knowing further that depending on the age of the viewer, the date of first viewing of a specific audiovisual content does not necessarily match the latter’s date of release, the timeline-enabled chronology chosen for most items of the Audio and Video playlists corresponds - with a few exceptions indexed under "Catch-Up Review" to the protocol order of release of the said items (i.e. of first exposure through media announcement), which remains largely identical from one geographic (linguistic) region to another due to the legal agendas and quotas of release imposed by the "media chronology []".
DE • In Anbetracht der weiteren Tatsache, dass das Datum der ersten Anschauung eines bestimmten audiovisuellen Inhalts je nach dem Alter des Zuschauers nicht unbedingt mit dem Erscheinungsdatum übereinstimmt, entspricht die für die meisten Titel der Filterlisten der Audio- und Video-Seiten bevorzugte Chronologie - mit einigen unter "Aufholprogramm" indexierten Ausnahmen - der protokollarischen Erscheinungsreihenfolge (d.h. der ersten Exposition durch Medienwerbung), zumal die Letztere in den verschiedenen geografischen (linguistischen) Regionen relativ identisch ist, und zwar aufgrund der durch den Grundsatz der urheberrechtlichen "Medienverwertung []" vorgeschriebenen Zeitrahmen und Erscheinungsquoten.
  • Stacks Image 525
    Age 00-06,1970ies,Containment,Interface
  • Stacks Image 1081
    Age 07-11,1980ies,Backstage,Boys vs. Girls,Fame,Showbiz,TV Series
  • Stacks Image 531
    Age 12-15,1980ies,Men vs. Women
  • Stacks Image 543
    Age 12-15,1980ies,AR vs. VR,Boys vs. Girls,Espionage,Fact vs. Fiction,Game,Inner Workings,Intelligence,Mirror,Networks,Neuroplasticity,Simulation,Surveillance,Technologies
  • Stacks Image 537
    Age 12-15,1980ies,Backstage,Boys vs. Girls,Fame,Men vs. Women,Mirror,Moebius Strip,Showbiz
  • Stacks Image 549
    Age 16-18,1980ies,AR vs. VR,Fact vs. Fiction,Genetics,Hypertainment,Mirror,Time Travel,TV Series
  • Stacks Image 555
    Age 16-18,1980ies,Backstage,Religion,Showbiz
  • Stacks Image 561
    Age 16-18,1980ies,Backstage,Puzzle,Showbiz
  • Stacks Image 567
    Age 16-18,1990ies,Catch-Up Review,Espionage,Game,Infotrading,Inner Workings,Intelligence,Moebius Strip,Networks,Puzzle
  • Stacks Image 1105
    Age 16-18,1990ies,Ancient vs. New,Intelligence,Neuroplasticity,Puzzle,Simulation,Technologies
  • Stacks Image 1111
    Age 16-18,1990ies,Dark Energy,Return of the Repressed
  • Stacks Image 573
    Age 19-24,1990ies,AR vs. VR,Conspiracies,Disclosure,Intelligence,Moebius Strip,Puzzle,Time Travel
  • Stacks Image 591
    Age 19-24,1990ies,Intelligence,Protection,Showbiz,Surveillance
  • Stacks Image 597
    Age 19-24,1990ies,Conspiracies,Espionage,Inner Workings,Intelligence,Networks,Puzzle,Surveillance,Technologies
  • Stacks Image 603
    Age 19-24,1990ies,Conspiracies,Inner Workings,Espionage,Networks,Surveillance
  • Stacks Image 609
    Age 19-24,1990ies,Hypercrime,Moebius Strip,Technologies,Time Travel,
  • Stacks Image 615
    Age 19-24,1990ies,Cybercrime,Fact vs. Fiction,Infotrading,Networks,Technologies
  • Stacks Image 621

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    Age 19-24,1990ies,Hypertainment,Time Travel,Trauma
  • Stacks Image 627

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    Age 19-24,1990ies,Networks,Technologies
  • Stacks Image 1035

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    Age 19-24,1990ies,Genetics,Incubation,Neuroplasticity,TV Series
  • Stacks Image 633

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    Age 19-24,1990ies,Decryption,Incubation,Networks,Puzzle,Time Travel,Technologies
  • Stacks Image 795

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    Age 25-29,1990ies,Moebius Strip,Mutation Strings,Return of the Repressed,Storage Capacity
  • Stacks Image 1041

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    Age 25-29,1990ies,Concealment,Conspiracies,Disclosure,Genetics,Incubation,Mutation Strings,Stealth,Technologies,TV Series
  • Stacks Image 639

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    Age 25-29,1990ies,Game,Genetics,Puzzle,Stealth,Technologies,Trauma
  • Stacks Image 645

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    Age 25-29,2000s,Concealment,Containment,Decryption,Disclosure,Fact vs. Fiction,Genetics,Hypertainment,Incubation,Inner Workings,Puzzle,Networks,Simulation,System
  • Stacks Image 651

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    Age 25-29,2000s,Decryption,Destiny,Disruption,Mirror,Moebius Strip,Puzzle,Trauma
  • Stacks Image 657

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    Age 25-29,2000s,Alien Intel,Ancient vs. New,Catch-Up Review,Decryption,Incubation,Inner Workings,Intelligence,Surveillance,System,Technologies
  • Stacks Image 663

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    Age 25-29,2000s,Concealment,Disruption,Men vs. Women,Mind & Body,Mirror,Puzzle,Trauma
  • Stacks Image 669

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    Age 25-29,2000s,Decryption,Disclosure,Game,Genetics,Intelligence,Mind & Body,Mirror,Neuroplasticity,Surveillance,Time Travel,Trauma
  • Stacks Image 675

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    Age 25-29,2000s,Containment,Decryption,Dystopia,Genetics,Hypercrime,Incubation,Inner Workings,Mirror,Precognition,Surveillance,System,Technologies
  • Stacks Image 681

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    Age 30-34,2000s,Ancient vs. New,Artificial Intel,Dark Energy,Destiny,Disruption,Dystopia,Mind & Body,Protection,Religion,Robotics,Surveillance,Time Travel,Technologies
  • Stacks Image 687

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    Age 30-34,2000s,Concealment,Counterfeit,Decryption,Disclosure,Disruption,Dystopia,Espionage,Hypercrime,Intelligence,Puzzle,Reverse Engineering,Time Travel,Technologies,Trauma,
  • Stacks Image 693

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    Age 30-34,2000s,Catch-Up Review,Decryption,Disclosure,Fourth Dimension,Hypertainment,Puzzle,Reverse Engineering,Surveillance,Technologies
  • Stacks Image 1087

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    Age 30-34,2000s,Simulation,Technologies
  • Stacks Image 699

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    Age 30-34,2000s,Disclosure,Human Cloning,Genetics,Incubation,Trauma
  • Stacks Image 705

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    Age 30-34,2000s,Disclosure,Documentaries,Inner Workings,System
  • Stacks Image 711

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    Age 30-34,2000s,Catch-Up Review,Dystopia,Espionage,Infotrading,Robotics,Simulation,Storage Capacity,Technologies,Time Travel
  • Stacks Image 717

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    Age 30-34,2000s,AR vs. VR,Catch-Up Review,Cybercrime,Decryption,Dystopia,Game,Simulation,Technologies,Time Travel
  • Stacks Image 729

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    Age 30-34,2000s,AR vs. VR,Catch-Up Review,Game,Hypercrime,Hypertainment,Mirror,Simulation,Technologies,Time Travel
  • Stacks Image 735

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    Age 30-34,2000s,Catch-Up Review,Counterfeit,Genetics,Human Cloning,Incubation,Mirror,Simulation,Technologies
  • Stacks Image 741

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    Age 30-34,2000s,Catch-Up Review,Cybercrime,Espionage,Game,Networks,Surveillance,Technologies
  • Stacks Image 747

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    Age 30-34,2000s,Decryption,Disclosure,Dystopia,Inner Workings,Mind & Body,Robotics,Simulation,Technologies
  • Stacks Image 753

    Read • Play

    Age 30-34,2000s,Artificial Intel,Boys vs. Girls,Catch-Up Review,Counterfeit,Decryption,Dystopia,Genetics,Human Cloning,Incubation,Inner Workings,Mirror,Robotics
  • Stacks Image 759

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    Age 30-34,2000s,Alien Intel,Catch-Up Review,Concealment,Counterfeit,Decryption,Disclosure,Inner Workings,Mirror,Neuroplasticity,Trauma,Zero-Knowledge Proof
  • Stacks Image 765

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    Age 30-34,2000s,Catch-Up Review,Concealment,Counterfeit,Cybercrime,Decryption,Espionage,Infotrading,Technologies
  • Stacks Image 771

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    Age 30-34,2000s,Catch-Up Review,Concealment,Counterfeit,Fame,Networks,Showbiz,Simulation,System,Technologies
  • Stacks Image 777

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    Age 30-34,2000s,AR vs. VR,Concealment,Fact vs. Fiction,Protection,Surveillance,Trauma
  • Stacks Image 783

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    Age 30-34,2000s,Counterfeit,Disclosure,Fact vs. Fiction,Inner Workings,Robotics,Technologies,Time Travel,Trauma,Zero-Knowledge Proof
  • Stacks Image 789

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    Age 30-34,2000s,Alien Intel,Artificial Intel,Catch-Up Review,Destiny,Disruption,Fourth Dimension,Storage Capacity,Technologies,Time Travel
  • Stacks Image 801

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    Age 30-34,2000s,Artificial Intel,Catch-Up Review,Containment,Cybercrime,Disclosure,Disruption,Dystopia,Game,Inner Workings,Simulation,System,Technologies,Zero-Knowledge Proof
  • Stacks Image 807

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    Age 30-34,2000s,Artificial Intel,Catch-Up Review,Concealment,Disclosure,Disruption,Fourth Dimension,Mirror,Technologies,Time Travel,Trauma
  • Stacks Image 813

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    Age 30-34,2000s,Disclosure,Hypertainment,Inner Workings,System,Technologies
  • Stacks Image 1068

    Read • Play

    Age 30-34,2000s,AR vs. VR,Artificial Intel,Catch-Up Review,Decryption,Disclosure,Disruption,Fact vs. Fiction,Incubation,Neuroplasticity,Robotics,Simulation,Storage Capacity,Surveillance,Technologies
  • Stacks Image 1076

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    Age 30-34,2000s,Alien Intel,Ancient vs. New,Catch-Up Review,Concealment,Containment,Disclosure,Genetics,Incubation,Protection,Surveillance
  • Stacks Image 837

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    Age 30-34,2000s,Catch-Up Review,Conspiracies,Containment,Disclosure,Disruption,Espionage,Intelligence,Surveillance,Technologies,Time Travel
  • Stacks Image 843

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    Age 30-34,2000s,Boys vs. Girls,Concealment,Counterfeit,Disruption,Dystopia,Genetics,Human Cloning,Incubation,Inner Workings,Simulation,Technologies
  • Stacks Image 849

    Read • Play

    Age 30-34,2000s,Ancient vs. New,Artificial Intel,Concealment,Disruption,Espionage,Game,Moebius Strip,Stealth,Mutation Strings,Reverse Engineering,Storage Capacity,Surveillance,Technologies
  • Stacks Image 855

    Read • Play

    Age 30-34,2000s,Catch-Up Review,Concealment,Dark Energy,Disclosure,Disruption,Fourth Dimension,Inner Workings,Return of the Repressed,Reverse Engineering,Time Travel
  • Stacks Image 1064

    Read • Play

    Age 30-34,2000s,Catch-Up Review,Concealment,Containment,Decryption,Intelligence,Neuroplasticity,Puzzle,Stealth,Surveillance
  • Stacks Image 861

    Read • Play

    Age 30-34,2000s,AR vs. VR,Backstage,Catch-Up Review,Concealment,Conspiracies,Containment,Counterfeit,Disclosure,Fact vs. Fiction,Fame,Game,Incubation,Mirror,Networks,Showbiz,Simulation,Surveillance,System,Technologies
  • Stacks Image 867

    Read • Play

    Age 30-34,2000s,Ancient vs. New,AR vs. VR,Catch-Up Review,Conspiracies,Decryption,Disclosure,Disruption,Fact vs. Fiction,Incubation,Infotrading,Inner Workings,Neuroplasticity,Religion,Stealth,System,Trauma,Zero-Knowledge Proof
  • Stacks Image 873

    Read • Play

    Age 30-34,2000s,Ancient vs. New,Catch-Up Review,Cybercrime,Decryption,Disruption,Espionage,Game,Infotrading,Networks,Surveillance,System,Technologies
  • Stacks Image 879

    Read • Play

    Age 30-34,2000s,Ancient vs. New,Catch-Up Review,Concealment,Containment,Counterfeit,Cybercrime,Destiny,Disclosure,Genetics,Incubation,Infotrading,Inner Workings,Intelligence,Mind & Body,Mirror,Moebius Strip,Surveillance,Zero-Knowledge Proof
  • Stacks Image 885

    Read • Play

    Age 30-34,2000s,Alien Intel,Ancient vs. New,Catch-Up Review,Concealment,Containment,Disclosure,Genetics,Incubation,Protection,Return of the Repressed,Surveillance
  • Stacks Image 891

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    Age 30-34,2000s,Cybercrime,Infotrading,Networks
  • Stacks Image 897

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    Age 30-34,2000s,Ancient vs. New,Catch-Up Review,Hypertainment,Inner Workings,Time Travel
  • Stacks Image 1093

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    Age 30-34,2000s,AR vs. VR,Concealment,Disclosure,Disruption,Dystopia,Fact vs. Fiction,Intelligence,Surveillance,System
  • Stacks Image 903

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    Age 30-34,2000s,Disruption
  • Stacks Image 909

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    Age 30-34,2000s,Ancient vs. New,Concealment,Conspiracies,Decryption,Disclosure,Disruption,Inner Workings,Puzzle,Religion,Zero-Knowledge Proof
  • Stacks Image 915

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    Age 30-34,2000s,Conspiracies,Destiny,Disclosure,Time Travel
  • Stacks Image 921

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    Age 30-34,2000s,Concealment,Disclosure,Fact vs. Fiction,Fourth Dimension,Hypercrime,Inner Workings,Reverse Engineering,Surveillance,Technologies,Time Travel
  • Stacks Image 927

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    Age 30-34,2000s,Disruption,Precognition,Surveillance,Time Travel
  • Stacks Image 933

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    Age 35-39,2000s,AR vs. VR,Cybercrime,Decryption,Fact vs. Fiction,Hypercrime,Networks,Stealth,Surveillance,Technologies
  • Stacks Image 939

    Read • Play

    Age 35-39,2000s,Conspiracies,Cybercrime,Intelligence,Networks,Protection,Puzzle,Reverse Engineering,Stealth,Surveillance,Technologies,Zero-Knowledge Proof
  • Stacks Image 945

    Read • Play

    Age 35-39,2000s,Dark Energy,Decryption,Disruption,Fact vs. Fiction,Puzzle,Stealth
  • Stacks Image 951

    Read • Play

    Age 35-39,2000s,Alien Intel,Containment,Dark Energy,Disruption,Genetics,Incubation,Mind & Body,Return of the Repressed,Reverse Engineering,Surveillance
  • Stacks Image 957

    Read • Play

    Age 35-39,2000s,Conspiracies,Cybercrime,Decryption,Disruption,Game,Inner Workings,Intelligence,Networks,Stealth,Surveillance,System,Technologies
  • Stacks Image 963

    Read • Play

    Age 35-39,2000s,Alien Intel,AR vs. VR,Concealment,Conspiracies,Decryption,Destiny,Disclosure,Disruption,Fact vs. Fiction,Hypercrime,Incubation,Precognition,Puzzle,Stealth,Zero-Knowledge Proof
  • Stacks Image 969

    Read • Play

    Age 35-39,2000s,Disruption,Documentaries,Protection,Reverse Engineering
  • Stacks Image 1047

    Read • Play

    Age 35-39,2000s,AR vs. VR,Concealment,Destiny,Disclosure,Disruption,Fact vs. Fiction,Precognition,Hypercrime,Incubation,Puzzle,Technologies,Time Travel,Trauma,TV Series
  • Stacks Image 975

    Read • Play

    Age 35-39,2000s,AR vs. VR,Artificial Intel,Counterfeit,Cybercrime,Disruption,Dystopia,Fact vs. Fiction,Incubation,Men vs. Women,Mind & Body,Mirror,Robotics,System,Technologies
  • Stacks Image 981

    Read • Play

    Age 35-39,2000s,Ancient vs. New,Destiny,Disruption,Fact vs. Fiction,Simulation
  • Stacks Image 987

    Read • Play

    Age 35-39,2000s,Ancient vs. New,AR vs. VR,Fact vs. Fiction,Game,Incubation,Inner Workings,Mind & Body,Simulation,Technologies
  • Stacks Image 993

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    Age 35-39,2010s,Incubation,Mind & Body,Mirror,Networks
  • Stacks Image 999

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    Age 35-39,2010s,Ancient vs. New,AR vs. VR,Artificial Intel,Dystopia,Game,Inner Workings,Robotics,Simulation,System,Technologies
  • Stacks Image 1005

    Read • Play

    Age 35-39,2010s,AR vs. VR,Decryption,Disclosure,Disruption,Fact vs. Fiction,Inner Workings,Mind & Body,Moebius Strip,Mutation Strings,Puzzle,Reverse Engineering,Robotics,Simulation,Technologies,Time Travel,Trauma
  • Stacks Image 1053

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    Age 35-39,2010s,AR vs. VR,Disruption,Dystopia,Fact vs. Fiction,Inner Workings,Robotics,Simulation,System
  • Stacks Image 1011

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    Age 35-39,2010s,AR vs. VR,Dystopia,Fact vs. Fiction,Interface,System
  • Stacks Image 1017

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    Age 40+,2010s,AR vs. VR,Dystopia,Fact vs. Fiction,Robotics,System,Technologies
  • Stacks Image 1023

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    Age 40+,2010s,AR vs. VR,Artificial Intel,Disruption,Containment,Dystopia,Fact vs. Fiction,Simulation,System,Technologies
  • Stacks Image 1099

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    Age 40+,2010s,Documentaries
  • Stacks Image 1029
    Age 40+,2010s,Containment,Decryption,Genetics,Hypertainment,Incubation,Interface,Protection,Reverse Engineering,Simulation,System,Time Travel

Blog sample version


Playfolio 2016 • Version 3.7/2024