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16/02/2019 19:58 Indexé sous:
Version EN | Version 2.4Article pre-published (untranslated) under access restriction on 2019-03-02.
Societal Watch
Solving the global intellectual property dilemma presented in this Playfolio with high didactical value requires the conceptualization of our web production technologies by the NetPlusUltra®-sustained master-franchising solution. Before we dive into the matter of how a master franchising license will turn each affiliate member into an advertiser, in the conceptual sense of the term, i.e. with due respect for other people's rights, let us reconsider - through the categories and tags of this weblog - the successive steps of the development of the solution for this specific part of the systemic dilemma.Legal Watch
In terms of legistics, the whole legitimacy of the master franchisee status will be derived from the license holder's adoption of the terms of the franchise network's mission statement, i.e. from the conceptual integrity of the affiliation perimeter for which the prospective franchisee will have been admitted. The master franchising system's terms of use will be derived from the said mission statement, whereby the implementation thereof into specific terms of use pertaining to one's own contents (i.e. web productions) will fall under every franchised member's responsibility.
Economic Watch
Considering that in a franchising system organically integrated around a healthy conceptual core, each franchised user can rely upon all others, nothing will impede anybody's right of quotation, which will have a positive effect on everybody's accounts. Indeed, insofar as quoting in compliance with the acknowledged rules of the art is equivalent to promoting the source as much as the advertiser, nothing will justify the use of unfair terms which would only turn the ones into the cash cows of the others.
Orga-Tech Watch
In organizational and techn(olog)ical terms, the application of this twofold principle of moral and financial reciprocity will translate into the impossibility, for each web franchised producer, to publish contents without having priorily declared which specific terms of use shall apply to the latter - all other things being conceptually master-secured. In other words: both protection principles (moral and patrimonial) will be integrated by default in the form of a generic DRM-enabled master lock, whereas the application (or not) of specific provisions will be subjected to a declarative configuration in due form at the moment of publication.
Cultural Watch
As regards the fluidity of exchanges, the benefit of such transparency is undeniable for consumers and producers alike, provided all network users are duly franchised, considering that the simple availability of one or more quotation formats will be equivalent to a conceptual integration authorization verifiable with just one click. Search Engine Optimization will further be enabled by the Unique Conceptual Declaration, whose level of customization will provide each member with the corresponding service level guarantees of personalized results in matters of matching supply and demand.
Integrative Watch
In terms of conceptual integrity, the effective application of best practices will be ensured by the permanent and non intrusive audit of the franchised user's IP address, whose navigation history will be monitored (i.e. both protected and surveilled) in real time through conceptual network radars in charge of preventing risks of misuse. As the equivalent of the license plate of a franchised information highway user, such an unique digital signature will for instance enable to guarantee that a franchised third-party content quoted in (i.e. iFramed into) the web publication of another franchised author can only be read or played once per visitor (i.e. by each new visiting IP address).
Scientific Watch
Assembling all the conceptual guarantees laid out above into a web-enabled master franchising solution certified operational implies a thorough specifications-based conceptualization of the entire client-server architecture, including a fully customizable SSL certification process. In the meantime, the three pages attached to the present weblog (still under construction at the time of publication) are conceived so as to emphasize the shortcomings which continue to flaw - due to the embezzlement of contradictory practices - the academic, creative and scientific web production process, for each of the main formats likely to be transformed - at various degrees of integration - during the creation of an author's intellectual work self-produced for the web.
Daniela BERNDT
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Version 3.0Tags: Playfolio