PlayfolioNetPlusUltra®: The Web Author's Virtual Playground

ISOteric Considerations

As the last - but not least - episode of my NetPlusUltra® quadrilogy 2016, this Lifefolio v2 (or Playfolio) will have to satisfy a quadruple condition as well: 1) preserve its quality as the (re)creative outlet of the Netfolio level, 2) in a manner which remains respectful of everyone’s intellectual property, in order 3) to show in how far every contemporary digital creation is nowadays quick-started from a scrapbook compilation of sources to be transformed into a new original author’s artwork; on the grounds of the multidimensional compilation of concerns which I published in the form of an initial Lifefolio module back in 2013, the objective is therefore 4) to achieve a conceptually integrated solution that is applicable by every NetPlusUltranaut® regardless of his·her socioeconomic and generational contexts of affiliation.


Playfolio 2016 • Version 3.7/2024